Started doing "paperwork" so that it would be ready so I can submit the app when it's finished. Learned I need to use "iTunes Connect" to upload the app. Went to site, contracts and payment info was there too. Tried to enter my bank info, wasn't in the list of banks. Used their contact form to ask it to be set. Wondering if I'll get a reply.
Next: Need to learn how to do transitions / animations on iOS so I can slide the cards in. I want to do it the "right way" instead of updating location of the cards directly.
Update: Learned the "right way" is to use layer animations. Each iOS UIView is "layer-backed". Layers can be manipulated to conveniently create cool effects. They're sort of like frame buffers on which the views are rendered to and these layers can also be moved around, opacity changed etc. Had to add quartz framework to the project to use them.