card = [[UIPlayingCard alloc] initWithString:@"9d"];
[self.view addSubview:card];
[card release];

Also got a 3d animation of the card flipping working, and made it super convenient to call too:
[card turn];
Would it be possible to explain how to play the game to the user in one line of text? "You win if the hidden rank is in between" doesn't make me quite satisfied yet.
Showing how many chips the player has left in lower left also hurts my eyes. It naturally wants to go to the upper left, where since dawn of time player scores have been shown, but I'd somehow want to dedicate the upper area to showing only the table.
Idea: Could get rid of all the controls by representing the balance and bet as stacks of chips that can be dragged around. The hidden card could be turned by touching it. But this was supposed to be a minimum viable app and that seems to go beyond it. Maybe if for whatever reason this app sells a bit (which I know it won't because this isn't a card game anyone actually plays), I can go back and update it to version two where it uses chips.