Thursday, December 01, 2005
BoingBoing post
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Places where I want to work or maybe would be cool places to work. Having sold books for years online myself it would be very interesting to get to know their back-end systems and learn a ton. Of course other online retailers would do as well.
TokyoPop, they are translating massive amounts of manga into English and I wouldn't mind helping them with either the actual translation or any technical issues. Of course places like Shueisha, they're the ones that extort the mangakas to make the manga in the first place (ever heard of kanzume? it means isolating the artists from the real world until they finish their work!). Same for Kodansha, NihonBungeisha and others.
Soft on Demand, let me just say that they are "imaginative" and also seem to be technically adapt. But will I have to join the yakuza? Maybe I should pass on this one :-) Also companies like WantedList could be life-altering workplaces.
Sierra, the makers of Larry and Space Quest. They will always have a special place in my heart and soon they will also have my job application. Also LucasArts, they're behind Monkey Island and other cool games. It would be one in a million to happen to get a chance to work here, but might still be worth trying. I could also work wherever Julian Gollop works. He is the genius behind games such as Laser Squad, Lords of Chaos and X-Com UFO Defense. Currently they seem to have a company called Codo Games and are providing the game Laser Squad Nemesis.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Yuna Ito

A Page Dedicated to Crystal Kay

Crystal Kay Williams is the brightest star on the Japanese pop charts. In honor of her newest album "Two As One", I decided to make this page for her: Bemmu's Chrystal Kay Fan Page!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Japanese articles
Typing Speed Tester
Heisig lookup
Forced Post Vulnerability Report
Two dictionaries
Japanese programming dictionary. I also took a cell biology course. At the course we had to write a dictionary as well, so here is my little cell biology dictionary.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Kick-ass month over
Bemmu's cure for Google irritation
Friday, March 25, 2005

This day I will have a blast, going to Yuki's concert! This still depends on whether I can get the ticket or not. She is the master of the cutie nasal chipmunk voice which we all love and adore. The place is Misato Hall.
YUKIのコンサートを見に行きます!まだ切符を買っていませんが... 所は三郷市文化振興公社です。
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
The End of Hiroshima 2005

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Gotoh Museum, 五島美術館

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 東京都写真美術館

The exhibition focused on the life of otakus. The most interesting thing on display was a collection of photographs from the rooms of otakus, piled ceiling high with books and semi-nude plastic anime models.
Other display areas in the three-floor museum were much better, and free. There was a lot of interactivity. A screen with a mirror next to it, the display on the mirror was displaying a different image than the actual display. Possibly somehow accomplished with polarized light. Using this you could play a game of air hockey, against yourself.
There was a setup where you could place dots on a board and the board would say out loud which braille character that represents. I think with this it would be possible to learn braille fairly quickly. There were a lot of interesting things on display, I certainly recommend a visit if you have a chance!
In the evening I will turn into a clubber and go dancing at Club Complex Code in Shinjuku. They will be playing "HYPER TECHNO", sounds fine to me!
夕方ベンムはクラッバーになって、新宿のクラブCodeにいくつもりです。ホームページによれば「HYPER TECHNO」をやっている。ダンスダンスダンス!