The exhibition focused on the life of otakus. The most interesting thing on display was a collection of photographs from the rooms of otakus, piled ceiling high with books and semi-nude plastic anime models.
Other display areas in the three-floor museum were much better, and free. There was a lot of interactivity. A screen with a mirror next to it, the display on the mirror was displaying a different image than the actual display. Possibly somehow accomplished with polarized light. Using this you could play a game of air hockey, against yourself.
There was a setup where you could place dots on a board and the board would say out loud which braille character that represents. I think with this it would be possible to learn braille fairly quickly. There were a lot of interesting things on display, I certainly recommend a visit if you have a chance!
In the evening I will turn into a clubber and go dancing at Club Complex Code in Shinjuku. They will be playing "HYPER TECHNO", sounds fine to me!
夕方ベンムはクラッバーになって、新宿のクラブCodeにいくつもりです。ホームページによれば「HYPER TECHNO」をやっている。ダンスダンスダンス!