Friday, March 25, 2005


This day I will have a blast, going to Yuki's concert! This still depends on whether I can get the ticket or not. She is the master of the cutie nasal chipmunk voice which we all love and adore. The place is Misato Hall.

YUKIのコンサートを見に行きます!まだ切符を買っていませんが... 所は三郷市文化振興公社です。

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The End of Hiroshima 2005

On this day there would be a dance about Hiroshima in Shibuya, but because of the high ticket price I'm still keeping this day open for other possibilities. This dance happens tue. 15 - thu. 17 March, 2005


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Gotoh Museum, 五島美術館

On this day I will go see the Ultimate Sword Exhibition in The Gotoh Museum. "Some 30 swords are selected from the collection for this exhibition. There are comprehensive instructions to identify such anepigraphic works for beginners."


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 東京都写真美術館

On this day I plan to visit the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. They have an exhibition which happens to appeal to me, as it is about manga. It may be childish, it may lack some deep meaning understanding some "real" art would have, but it's cute and fun!


The exhibition focused on the life of otakus. The most interesting thing on display was a collection of photographs from the rooms of otakus, piled ceiling high with books and semi-nude plastic anime models.


Other display areas in the three-floor museum were much better, and free. There was a lot of interactivity. A screen with a mirror next to it, the display on the mirror was displaying a different image than the actual display. Possibly somehow accomplished with polarized light. Using this you could play a game of air hockey, against yourself.


There was a setup where you could place dots on a board and the board would say out loud which braille character that represents. I think with this it would be possible to learn braille fairly quickly. There were a lot of interesting things on display, I certainly recommend a visit if you have a chance!


In the evening I will turn into a clubber and go dancing at Club Complex Code in Shinjuku. They will be playing "HYPER TECHNO", sounds fine to me!

夕方ベンムはクラッバーになって、新宿のクラブCodeにいくつもりです。ホームページによれば「HYPER TECHNO」をやっている。ダンスダンスダンス!